Established in 2005

PLEASE NOTE:  On your FIRST visit to, you need to select First Baptist Church of Hingham to receive donations from eligible purchases before you begin shopping. First Baptist Church is the parent organization and will internally direct the funds into the Soldiers account.  Amazon will remember your selection, and then every eligible purchase you make through AmazonSmile will result in a donation. Bookmark on your browser for convenience.


If you are considering ordering anything from Amazon, could you please go through the portal  Just put the “smile” in front of the regular URL.

You will end up on the exact same landing page as you would by going directly to the site. There is NO inconvenience to you, or extra cost.

Why are we asking you to do this?  By using “AmazonSmile,” the Soldiers Care Package Outreach will benefit by receiving 0.5% of your purchase price, donated by Amazon (not you).  You will find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience as the normal

Tens of millions of products on AmazonSmile are eligible for donations. You will see eligible products marked “Eligible for AmazonSmile donation” on their product detail pages.

You could also help us by spreading the word throughout your network.

All efforts are truly appreciated.  As we have always said…. We can’t sustain this outreach without YOU.